Just had the pleasure of attending and speaking at the Web European Conference in Milan.
For anyone that attended my talk, or any that didn't but were tempted more by another session, here's some links to slides and references.
Slides can be found here at slideshare.net
And here's a few links to blog posts I've written before on the subject:
- CQRS, Rich Domains and Unit Testing with ASP.Net MVC and Entity Framework
- A CQRS Implementation with ASP.Net MVC and Entity Framework
- Rich Domain Models and Entity Framework
- Unit Testing Entity Framework with Effort
A few references to sources I used in researching and constructing the presentation:
- Rob Conery's post on working with Entity Framework and repositories got me thinking about how best to work with the ORM in my application.
- Jimmy Bogard's series of posts on cleaning up your controllers led me to a version of the mediator/CQRS pattern he outlines.
- Adam Tibi provided a direct implementation of such a pattern for ASP.Net using the IoC container Ninject that I adapted slightly for my use.
- Eric Evans classic book"Domain Driven Design"
- Julie Lerman's series of blog posts on working with these patterns with Entity Framework, and Jimmy Bogard's series of posts on a similar topic on Los Techies
- On the same site, Gabriel Schenker has a series of posts on DDD
- Effort library for unit testing Entity Framework
Finally just to say a big thanks to all attendees, the organisers and sponsors. Hope to be back next year.
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