The first technique was to use a counter variable held in the Application context. This was pretty straightforward - in global.asax increment the counter in the Session_Start event and decrement in the Session_End:
1 Sub Session_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
3 'Increment session count
4 Application.Lock()
5 Application("SessionCount") += 1
6 Application.UnLock()
8 End Sub
10 Sub Session_End(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
12 'Decrement session count
13 Application.Lock()
14 Application("SessionCount") = Application("SessionCount") - 1
15 Application.UnLock()
17 End Sub
Unfortunately this didn't turn out to be accurate in my case as I was using out of process session state, using State Server. This is a method of using an external service for the management of sessions, which is often a good idea as it means that user's session information will survive application restarts caused by uploading new .dlls or modifying the web.config file.
So instead made use of a performance counter, reading it's value in code for display in a web page:
1 Private Sub DisplaySessionCount()
2 Dim pc As PerformanceCounter
3 Dim dblSessions As Double = 0
4 If PerformanceCounterCategory.CounterExists("State Server Sessions Active", "ASP.NET") Then
5 pc = New PerformanceCounter("ASP.NET", "State Server Sessions Active")
6 dblSessions = pc.NextValue()
7 End If
8 lblSessionCount.Text = dblSessions.ToString()
9 End Sub
There's a gotcha in that as it stands this will lead to a security exception. To avoid you need to add the website account (e.g. IUSR_MACHINENAME if IIS anonymous access and identity impersonate are being used), to the Performance Monitor and Perfomance Log groups under Computer Management > Local Users and Groups.
You can use WMI to query the number of active sessions in a an application.
How use WMI ? any source code sample?
Delete`The Session_Start/Session_End way has the problem that Session_End is only called for "InProc" sessions, not if the sessions
ReplyDeleteare stored in StateServer or SqlServer.`
any solution for sessions in SqlServer ?